This week celebrates the first month of a life changing transition for me.
One month ago, I was a full time employee and leader in a reputable crown corporation in Ottawa. I was a leader in a technology solution delivery role and I would think that I was decent at that since I won the leader of the year award.
This month, I am a project and program management consultant with a full time contract with another crown corporation in Ottawa. This was part of my transition plan towards full time entrepreneurship. Also, I leverage the revenue from the consulting work to fund the startup costs of Liberté Caravans. So basically, I have 2 jobs.
How it feels? I feel more free than I have ever felt in my entire life. My contract allows me to do my contract work from anywhere so I work about half the time in the office in Ottawa and the other half from home. With this freedom, also comes the possibility of going in so many directions with Liberé Caravans. It is sometimes so overwhelming but I love it. I helps me that I structured the time that I spend each day on Liberté to work on 1) set up business and systems 2) product design and manufacturing 3) customer journey 4) technology and 5) finance. Everyday, I make progress and feel that if I continue this habit, I should be able to put a good product on the market that people will want.
I was able to connect with a few friends from my previous work and hope to do some more connections soon.
I now have a few partners helping me in the Liberté Caravans journey, from my accountant to a product design firm that will help me solidify the product design. After all, I have to put a few prototype to test next year and leveraging partners accelerates time to market.
If you are interested in trying out a prototype next summer, just shoot me an email at
Until then, connect with nature, and each other